q: How many photos will I get from my session?
a: I never set a limit on the amount of photos you might receive. It all depends on the individual circumstances of your session. I always hand-select each of the best photos from the session to send to you.
q: Do you send unedited photos as well?
a: I do NOT send unedited photos in addition to the edited ones. The edited photos I send are the best ones out of a group of shots. During a session I will typically shoot over 500 photos, majority of which are "dud" shots. These unedited shots are an unfinished, RAW photos which do not represent my final work-product. You can trust that I will deliver the maximum amount of quality shots taken on the date of your session!
q: Do I get an outfit change?
a: Yes! I definitely encourage an outfit change. I allow as many outfit changes as you can fit within your scheduled session time.
q: Do you travel?
a: Yes! Please contact me for more, individualized information about traveling for your session.
Have any other questions? Feel free to contact me!